
Ruby Agent Library for the Internet Computer

ic_agent provides basic modules to interact with canisters on the DFINITY Internet Computer.


gem install ic_agent


  1. principal create and generate

  2. candid types encode & decode

  3. support secp256k1 & ed25519 identity

  4. canister DID file parsing

  5. canister class, initialized with canister id and DID file

  6. common canister interfaces: ledger, management, nns, cycles wallet

  7. BLS Verify

Modules & Usage

1. Principal

Create an instance:

require "lib/ic_agent/principal"
p = IcAgent::Principal.new # default is management canister id `aaaaa-aa`
p1 = IcAgent::Principal.new(bytes: '') # create an instance from bytes
p2 = IcAgent::Principal.anonymous() # create anonymous principal
p3 = IcAgent::Principal.self_authenticating(pubkey) # create a principal from public key
p4 = IcAgent::Principal.from_str('aaaaa-aa') # create an instance from string
p5 = IcAgent::Principal.from_hex('xxx') # create an instance from hex

Class methods:

p.bytes # principal bytes
p.len # byte array length
p.to_str() # convert to string

2. Identity

Create an instance:

require "lib/ic_agent/identity"
i = IcAgent::Identity.new # create an identity instance, key is randomly generated
i1 = IcAgent::Identity.new(privkey = '833fe62409237b9d62ec77587520911e9a759cec1d19755b7da901b96dca3d42') # create an instance from private key
i2 = IcAgent::Identity.new(privkey = '833fe62409237b9d62ec77587520911e9a759cec1d19755b7da901b96dca3d42', type = 'secp256k1')

Sign a message and Verify:

msg = "ddaf35a193617abacc417349ae20413112e6fa4e89a97ea20a9eeee64b55d39a2192992a274fc1a836ba3c23a3feebbd454d4423643ce80e2a9ac94fa54ca49f"
sig = i.sign(msg) # sig = (der_encoded_pubkey, signature)
ver = i.verify(msg, sig[1])

3. Client

Create an instance:

client = IcAgent::Client.new(url = "https://ic0.app")

4. Candid

Encode parameters:

# params is an array, return value is encoded bytes
params = [{'type': IcAgent::Candid::BaseTypes.nat, 'value': 10}]
data = IcAgent::Candid.encode(params)

params = [{'type': IcAgent::Candid::BaseTypes.null, 'value': nil}]
data = IcAgent::Candid.encode(params)

Decode parameters:

# data is bytes, return value is an parameter array
params =  IcAgent::Candid.decode(data)

5. Agent

Create an instance:

# Identity and Client are dependencies of Agent
iden = IcAgent::Identity.new
client = IcAgent::Client.new
agent = IcAgent::Agent.new(iden, client)

Query call:

# query the name of token canister `gvbup-jyaaa-aaaah-qcdwa-cai`
name = agent.query_raw("gvbup-jyaaa-aaaah-qcdwa-cai", "name", IcAgent::Candid.encode([]))

Update call:

# transfer 100 token to blackhole address `aaaaa-aa`
params = [
  { 'type': IcAgent::Candid::BaseTypes.principal, 'value': 'aaaaa-aa' },
  { 'type': IcAgent::Candid::BaseTypes.nat, 'value': 10000000000 }
result = agent.update_raw("gvbup-jyaaa-aaaah-qcdwa-cai", "transfer", IcAgent::Candid.encode(params))

6. Read System State

Create an instance:

# Identity and Client are dependencies of Agent
iden = IcAgent::Identity.new
client = IcAgent::Client.new
agent = IcAgent::Agent.new(iden, client)

time = IcAgent::SyetemState.time(agent, "gvbup-jyaaa-aaaah-qcdwa-cai")

subnet_public_key = IcAgent::SyetemState.subnet_public_key(agent, "gvbup-jyaaa-aaaah-qcdwa-cai", "pjljw-kztyl-46ud4-ofrj6-nzkhm-3n4nt-wi3jt-ypmav-ijqkt-gjf66-uae")

7. Canister

Create a canister instance with candid interface file and canister id, and call canister method with canister instance:

agent = IcAgent::Agent.new(iden, client)
gov_canister_id = 'rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai'
gov_didl = <<~DIDL_DOC
      // type
      type AccountIdentifier = record { hash : vec nat8 };
      type Action = variant {
        RegisterKnownNeuron : KnownNeuron;
        ManageNeuron : ManageNeuron;
        ExecuteNnsFunction : ExecuteNnsFunction;
        RewardNodeProvider : RewardNodeProvider;
        SetDefaultFollowees : SetDefaultFollowees;
        RewardNodeProviders : RewardNodeProviders;
        ManageNetworkEconomics : NetworkEconomics;
        ApproveGenesisKyc : ApproveGenesisKyc;
        AddOrRemoveNodeProvider : AddOrRemoveNodeProvider;
        Motion : Motion;

gov_canister = IcAgent::Canister.new(agent, gov_canister_id, gov_didl)
res = gov_canister.get_neuron_ids()

8. canister: ledger, management, cycles wallet ..

canister common tools:

ledger = IcAgent::Common::Ledger.new


bundle exec rspec


  1. update to latest image

docker pull tuminfei1981/ruby_ic_agent:latest

  1. Run image:

docker run -it tuminfei1981/ruby_ic_agent:latest

This will enter the container with a linux shell opened.

/usr/src/app #
  1. Type rspec to run all tests

/usr/src/app # bundle exec rspec

Finished in 5.56 seconds (files took 0.12067 seconds to load)
29 examples, 0 failures
  1. Or, type ./bin/console to enter the ruby interactive environment and run any ic_agent code

/usr/src/app # ./bin/console
[1] pry(main)> p = IcAgent::Principal.new
=> #<IcAgent::Principal:0x000000013a54a548 @bytes="", @hex="", @is_principal=true, @len=0>
[2] pry(main)> p.to_s
=> "aaaaa-aa"
[3] pry(main)>


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at github.com/tuminfei/ic_agent. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the IcAgent project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.